Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Prokop Velky Lodge #708
Celebrating the rich history of Odd Fellowship since 1881
Lodge Information
March - October: 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7:30pm
November - February: 2nd Wednesday Only at 7:30pm
Lodge Address:
7272 Austin Powder Dr.
Glenwillow, OH 44139Lodge Contact:
Joe Ruggiero
7272 Austin Powder Dr. #5
Glenwillow, OH 44139
Chagrin Falls Encampment
Cleveland Canton #33
A whole lotta fun happening at Prokop-Velky Lodge #708…
4th Annual Odd Fellow Golf Outing - Friday, May 24th, 2034
9am Registration, 10am Shotgun Start $125 per player
Includes Golf, Lunch at Turn and Dinner. Benefits Alzheimer’s Assoc.
For more info, contact Scott Sekerak 216-408-0078
Watch for more upcoming events!
Lodge Officers
Noble Grand
Scott Sekerak
Vice Grand
Alex Lamoka
Joe Ruggiero
Erik Honryak
Financial Secretary
Mark Walker