Star/Orphans Hope Lodge #182

Celebrating the rich history of Odd Fellowship since 1851

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Lodge Information

  • Ritual & Business Meetings, 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. 6:30pm.

    Meetings are held at the United Methodist Church on St. Rt 28 in Martinsville, Ohio.

    Members Only

  • Lodge Address:

    Martinsville United Methodist Church

    78 West Main St.

    Martinsville, OH 45146

    Lodge Contact:

    Mike Smart

    Jeff Newbry

  • Hiawatha Encampment #70
    PO Box 192
    Matinsville, OH 45146

    Contact Star/Orphans Hope Lodge Officers for meeting time and more Information.

Lodge Officers

Noble Grand

Wes Hamman

Vice Grand

Charlie Carson


Mike Smart


Tom Dalton

Outside Guardian

Patty Newbry

Inside Guardian

Ron Allen

Financial Secretary

Jeff Newbry


Heather Goddard