Ravenna Lodge #65
Celebrating the rich history of Odd Fellowship since 1846
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Lodge Address:
111 E. Main St. 3rd Floor
Ravenna, Ohio 44266
Lodge Contact:
Robert Henderson
126 N. Scranton St.
Ravenna, Ohio 44266-1426
Info to come.
Lodge Information
Ritual & Business Meetings, 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. 7:30pm. Members Only
Beebe Rabekah Lodge #405
For more information:
Janet Eckert
330-962-5541 -
Robert Henderson, Secretary
r126henderson@sbcglobal.netJoe Ruggiero
ruggierodolansky@att.net -
Information about becoming a member of Ravenna Lodge #65 can be obtained by contacting a lodge officer listed on this page.
For membership requirements, see the “Membership” page under the Grand Lodge of Ohio Tab.
Lodge Officers
Noble Grand
Vice Grand
Commitee Chairpersons
Joe Ruggiero
Robert Kunst
Robert Henderson
Gary Kline