Caledonia Lodge #299
Celebrating the rich history of Odd Fellowship since 1856
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Lodge Information
Ritual & Business Meetings, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. 7:00pm. Members Only
Lodge Dark - July & August
Lodge Address:
116 1/2 Marion Street
Caledonia, Ohio 43314
Brad Hufeld, Noble Grand
Greg Markley, Secretary
Mizpah #50 Encampment Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month, following Odd Fellow Lodge Meeting.
For more information:
Brad Hufeld, Chief Patriarch
Lodge Officers
Noble Grand
Arthur Craig
Vice Grand
Paul Steve Ray
Jana Schelb
C. Paul Robinson
Financial Secretary
Greg Markley
Committee Chairpersons
Committees :
Social Committee: Brad Hufeld, Ronald Johnson, Mark Cherrington, Steve Binkley
Charity/Community: Brad Hufeld, Paul Ray, Jana Schelb
Finance: C. Paul Robinson
Historical: C. Paul Robinson, Steve Binkley, Mark Cherringston, Jana Schelb
Other Officers
Lodge Trustees
Marion F Owens Jr.
C. Paul Robinson
Brad Hufeld
Appointed Officers
Brad Hufeld, Immediate PNG
Mark Cherrington, Warden
Steve Binkley, Conductor
Matt Caron, RSS
Marion Owens, LSNG
John Alexander, RSVG
Ron Johnston, Chaplain

About Our Lodge
Caldoenia Lodge #299 sponsors and participates in many social and community events throughout the year and is always willing to lend a hand when it comes to fraternity and community.
This year, our lodge has collected food to be given out for the holidays, participated in the town’s Christmas Parade and even made it possible for Mr. & Mrs. Claus to attend! We have made it a lodge project help out community in various clean up projects, held a blood drive, purchased school supplies for kids, donated Coats, socks hats for homeless and needs children and adults. We have made visitations and volunteered at hospitals and senior homes, coach and sponsor a sports team for kids and intellectually challenged adults. Held and open house at our lodge for members, family, friend and co-workers as part of our recruitment efforts.
Our lodge has been and will always be dedicated to to our community as we spread the teachings of Friendship, Love and Truth…Faith, Hope and Charity in all that we endeavor to do.
As we are always looking for new members to join in the fun of Odd Fellowship, we ask that if our organization interests you, that you contact any member and let them know of your interest. They will be happy to tell you about what Odd Fellowship can mean to you and how to join.